Measuring temperature is surprisingly subtle. There are lots of sensors out there; Digikey sells thermistor sensors interchangeable to +- 0.1 C from several vendors for about $3 in onesies. IC sensors tout good accuracy and linearity, and come in both analogue and digital versions for way under a buck. So what's the issue?
Decap picture of a Terabeam CD3109 APD/TIA module, taken with a lens glued to a cell
phone camera
This odd circuit is an on-chip temperature balancer that uses thermal runaway to force N transistor arrays to all run at the same temperature. BJT dissipation goes up at low temperature, with very high gain. Here's its step response.
Sine wave generation is a perennial problem.
Solid tantalum capacitors have a lot of advantages: very low inductance in surface mount packages, ESR low but not so low that your LDO regulators start oscillating; and good capacitance per unit volume. Unfortunately they're also prone to burn up when mistreated, which makes many engineers wary of them. This war story, entitled What a Cap-astrophe! talks about how to treat them properly, and how a bit of TLC after soldering can restore their full performance.